A Projection


The Stockholm based A PROJECTION started in 2013 with the ambition to be a true post punk band. The main influences were groups like The Cure, Joy Division/New Order, Sisters of Mercy, Interpol, and Editors. Electronic acts like Kraftwerk, Depeche Mode, D.A.F. and The Knife were also important Influences.

Although sometimes spilling over into adjacent genres like indie and goth, the first three albums (Exit, Framework and Section) were rather firmly rooted in the post punk genre, developing from a rather hard-boiled, minimalistic sound into a more readily accessible one, all within the within the framework of a pretty strict post-punk aesthetic and attitude.

During Covid, after having changed both a couple of members, with e.g. the former bassist becoming the main vocalist, the sound of A PROJECTION shifted towards a more synth based style with a lot of influences from both the 80s, contemporary darkwave and mainstream hit lists.

All of A PROJECTION’s albums have received good reviews, with grades alternating between 4 and 5 on a 5-point scale.

The A PROJECTION sound has been described as “a danceable mixture of post punk and electronica, with both depth and edge, bright colors and darkness”. This description still holds today.

A PROJECTION has been touring since 2013 and have been appearing on festivals like Amphi Festival - 2 times, Autumn Moon Festival, BatFiSH Festival, Dark Spring Festival - 2 times (headlining), Devilstone Festival, Extramuralhas Festival, M’era Luna, Minicave-Festival (headlining), Mörk Stad, NCN - 3 times, Oakfield Festival, Owls 'n' Bats Festival (headlining), Plage Noire Festival, Salafestivalen, Subkultfestivalen, Wavefest, Wave-Gotik-Treffen - 2 times and Wilwarin Festival.

The members are: Rikard Tengvall, Mikael Larsson, Oscal Bexel


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A Projection - Young Days (official)
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A Projection - Transition (official)